How can I link the different Installation/Maintenance scenarios to the correct steps? In other words, if I click on one of the listed items, it then takes you to the correct step for that item. i.e. If bearings are clicked on, it then takes you to the steps on the bearings.
Hi @user14122,
You can add links to those text items to jump to specific steps.
You can read/watch our blog post about them here
If you watch that and still have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach back out to us!
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Thank you, I will watch it and let you.
This worked but a bit limited. I would like to give it a start step and end step, i.e. when this icon is clicked on, it will take you through steps 5 to 9 for instance.
That isn’t currently possible exactly as you described but you could make the relevant steps play steps so it goes through them.
Within the steps manager you can change the step behaviour by clicking the icon in the corner

or by editing the steps settings…
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