Details Scale/resolution

Can CADASIO produce detailed “detail views”?, I’m trying to do a detail view for an small area but the resultant detail view is blurry and seems that i can’t scale the view, to make it more clear.

Thank you

Hi @user4622 ,

Thanks for the question. When you do a detail view without preselecting anything it will capture it at its current resolution, hence when you make it bigger the question will worsen, as with any raster image. You have a couple of options…

  1. Since you are creating a 3D presentation, you may find that traditional detail views are not needed, as you can simply create a step that zooms in which would grab the user’s attention and make it very clear when you are looking at. You could even use links so it sooms in on the area when they click a particular object.

  2. Create a hidden step which is then used to populate a picture. You can of course change render styles, hide/show things etc to get the look you are after. See the following video…

Let me know if you have any further questions.