Disappear in detail view

Why do the label lines disappear on the detail view when I publish my step to pdf or png. Any ideas?


so that I can investigate this further, can I just confirm what you did and what’s happening…

Did you place a detail view, and then put a label whose leader sits on top of the detail view? Then when you export, the leader line is not showing over the detail?

Have I understood correctly?

Yes, thats correctly

Hi @user13697 ,

I have replicated the issue. It appears to be a problem with the z-index (e.g. what item shows on top) when we capture an image under certain circumstances. At the moment I don’t have an immediate workaround but I have raised a bug report for the team to look into this. Thank you for raising it with us. This post will get updated by a member of support when we have more news regarding the fix.

Hi, any news of this issue?

This is still a logged bug with the team, so unfortunately no news at the moment.