Duplicate Multiple Steps

I’m creating a set of assembly instructions for a product which has modular parts, requiring full walkthroughs of each variation 15-16 steps each.

Being able to duplicate a selection of steps, and perhaps organize them into folders would be a huge time saver. Currently the only way of doing this is going through steps individually and using “Quick Create” to duplicate the step, then modifying the objects shown using the “Update with Selected Objects” tool. This is a time consuming workflow, so I’m wondering if there are other methods, and if not, please add more tools for working with large amounts of steps.

Hi @Symmetric_Designs ,

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I found an existing enhancement request to be able to put steps into folders, so I have added you to that as the more votes for a feature the greater priority it gets. I didn’t see a specific one for copying a selection of steps, but I think it’s a great idea so I have raised that as an enhancement too.