Fusion 360 Add-in

Hello. I updated the model on my Fusion and then synced it with Cadasio using the add-in. However, after updating, all the steps got completely messed up, and the full model—along with all the previously hidden parts—became visible in the steps. This would require me to rework everything. Is this expected behavior, or am I missing something? Thank you.

Hi @user11835

No, the whole point of Cadasio is that updates should avoid rework.

In the background, we do some clever matching of parts, so we know we know which parts are which after an update, however, if you have changed the hierarchy of the assembly (e.g. dissolved subassemblies) or completed renamed and swapped out components then it can struggle.

Are you able to share the Fusion assembly with a member of the support team who will be able to take a look and see whats happened?

Is it possible for a TeamViewer arrangement?

We can arrange a teams meeting. I will send an email

Sure! Thanks a ton!
Looks like that will work.

Hello @tim.claridge, I tried reaching out via email yesterday. Are we still on for the Teams call?

Hi, Sorry your email went into my junk folder which is odd. I will email you again

Hello @tim.claridge, I wanted to follow up just in case my email ended up in your junk folder.