Link to file path

I want to link a file path to a pdf that everyone in my company has access to. When I link the file path to text it doesn’t work for various reasons.

Hi @user10252 ,

When you say it doesn’t work can you elaborate?

How are you trying to insert the link? Is it within a text box, or using the onClick links?

Hi support,

Yes, when you click on an object with an onClick link it tries to open a URL that changes the direction of the slashes and removes slashes from the original file path then finally it says that page can’t be reached.

When using a text box link it tries to open the file path URL with this in front. “” On opening it says 404 not found.

In short, anytime I try to add the file path into a URL it changes it in the browser search bar and it will not open.

Hi @user10252 ,

Could you direct message me the URL you are trying to link to?

Hi Support,

Unfortunately I am unsure how to direct message you. How is that done? Also because it is a file path to a company file I cannot but it is in the form, “C:\Users\Downloads\SL Dump Bolt On Fenders\SL Dump Bolt On Fenders.pdf”. This should open the file in the browser but the path gets modified no matter what way I use the link and will not open.

I will need to confirm, but I’m pretty sure browsers will not allow websites to access files from your local machine as this would be a huge security risk.

I will do some tests and further research but I think the answer would be to have the PDF hosted on your website somewhere that you can link to.

Alternatively, could you put the PDF into a step popup?

That makes sense and is fair enough if it is not possible. I could do a pop up but the pdfs we want to use have a high probability of being updated and so we were hoping for a way to just have a link so that they would open up the latest version.