I’ve ran into an issue with how the Cadasio plug-in handles multi-body parts.
We would like to use the tool-tip feature to be easily able to identify parts during assembly. This uses the meta-data supplied by Solidworks. Which works great for single-body parts but won’t work for multi-body parts because the meta-data isn’t copied to the individual bodies. Which causes any tool-tips or labels to show up blank.
The only way for this to work currently is to deselect the option that converts multi-body part into assemblies during import. Except doing this limits the entire part to a single color. Which makes this option unusable for many of our parts.
As far as i’m aware there is no (easy) way to assign custom properties to specific bodies within SolidWorks. These are usually applied on a part or assembly basis.
Maybe the plug-in could copy the meta-data from the part to all bodies within it before converting it to an assembly in Cadasio? This would allow working tool-tips while also keeping the ability to color/hide/move individual bodies.