Project does not import well

Hi there, I am trying to import a fairly big project from onshape to Cadasio, but it didn’t import a couple of parts that are really important to my manual (I think it might be important to note that these are in the same group in onshape). After updating the project, first it went fine, the parts were added, but it deleted two other parts in the manual. When I updated it again, it removed most parts and left only half of my project. Now when I try to update a copy from the initial manual it also leaves me with many removed parts. Is this a known problem and is there a way to resolve it?

Hi Laura,
Sorry you are having issues with the Onshape addin. I have sent an email detailing next steps to solve the sproblem

Hi Tim, I’ve not received your email sadly as Cadasio is coupled to my co-workers email adress. The one set to primary now is mine. Could you send the email there?